what is an #AdaptiveOrg?
The #AdaptiveOrg is an organizational model, at the same time it is much more than that. The #AdaptiveOrg helps small and medium sized enterprises to thrive in a complex world with the power of human-beings and re-defining bureaucracy. There are no roles, no accountabilities and no organizational charts. All it provides is a dynamic operating system that supports humans in creating value amongst the people, the organization and the planet.

being a successful organization in the 21st century means a lot more than just making profits

what an #AdaptiveOrg can do for you
The #AdaptiveOrg brings out the best in people and their unique talent to collaborate. Today, most organizations are run on the belief, that our species is driven by selfishness, rationality and extrinsic motivation.
However, we also know today that this is an assumption and roughly only applies to only 5 to 10 percent of the people according to Rutger Bregman's research called "Humankind: A Hopeful History". In conclusion this means that 90 to 95 percent of the human-beings behave very differently to what we assume. This percentage is massive and these people find meaning in collaboration and equal relationships. So, here we are. The #AdaptiveOrg is an operating system for small and medium sized organizations that want to operate on true collaboration to thrive in an increasingly complex economy and world that requests for the connection between people, profit and the planet, co-existing in one ecosystem.
To realize this, it needs a change in organizational work cultures, which are an important organizational asset. #AdaptiveOrgs attract talent who look for work environments where they can put their full potential into their roles to have lasting impact. These people stay, not just because they are a valued and a real asset to the organization but also experience lower stress levels and the possibility to truly co-create and engage. For the organization this means long-lasting, sustainable economical success and above all an increasingly positive impact on peoples' lives, the society and the planet.
If you are interested in modern organizational models, that meet current and future needs, jump to our experts' perspectives on the #AdaptiveOrg (work in progress).
Find out more by reading through the #AdaptiveOrg real-life cases.

Small businesses tend to be adaptive by nature. People know each other and positions, status or even politics play a rather small role. We believe it is smart, to cultivate and maintain this culture by introducing some core elements of the #AdaptiveOrg. Be prepared for the next challenge that is coming your way!

Medium-sized enterprises are the embodiment of a successful balancing act. They need structures and management, but they are not supposed to get into the way of adapting to new market situations. The #AdaptiveOrg provides a customizable approach to overcome this challenge once and for all.

Large corporations suffer from bureaucracy. A lot of them went on an agile journey today. However, agile only solves one part of the problem by helping them to create better products. This does not prevent them from a Kodak or Nokia destiny. The #AdaptiveOrg helps them to leverage their adaptability from the product to the business-model-level.